Exclusive Limited Offer

For Owners Of Fundraising Magic




“Supercharge Your Fundraising Magic Shows
With This
ALL NEW Bundle Of
Money-Making Marketing Tools

And Success Strategies!”

Dear Fundraising Magic™ Owner,

This is BIG NEWS for anyone interested in adding some powerful new tools to their Fundraising Magic™ arsenal …

Ø NEW user-friendly project kit tools your sponsors will love you for!

Ø NEW marketing tools for you to book even more shows!

Ø NEW easy to sell “fail-safe” fundraising system!

I first released my Fundraising Magic™ system to magicians in 2001. Since then, I've enjoyed annual sell-outs seasons with my own Fundraising Magic™ show schedule in both spring and fall, and my current calendar is once again on target to book up solid. Each year is packed with repeat business and new clients falling all over themselves to be included in my performance schedule.

So, what’s the secret of this phenomenal success record? 

The main reason I’ve managed to accomplish this is simply because my marketing and my product is ever-changing.  I strive to continually update my materials and try new and varied approaches. 

We all know it.  You can’t survive for long by offering the same old thing.  It’s IMPERATIVE that you constantly keep changing, improving, innovating … or you’ll get left behind in the dust of your competition.

That’s why I’ve recently added some dynamic new tools that sponsors of my shows are using to more easily raise more money for their causes.  These new tools are already out there, in-the-field, working for my clients.  You have an opportunity to reap the rewards of getting them working for your clients, too.  Immediately.  And …

Besides the new sponsor tools, I’ve also included some great additional marketing material to skyrocket the value you’ll get from using my Fundraising Magic™ system.

For starters, how would you like to be able to offer this new user-friendly information package to YOUR sponsors …


New! “QUICK-START” PLAN For SELLING-OUT Your Fundraising Magic Show And Raising Buckets Of Cash Months Before The Show Comes To Town!

What sponsor isn’t going to LOVE YOU for providing this?!!!

All of my clients received this brand-new component in their Fundraising Magic™ Project Kits, and they’re absolutely delighted!  Here’s what one new sponsor has to say about results she’s achieved WITHIN THE FIRST FEW DAYS of receiving the Project Kit …

Your Fundraising Magic Project Kit is awesome! I received it less than a week ago ... following your system I've alreadymade $400 in one phone call to get someone to sponsor our tickets and put a coupon on the back for their business. GREAT!!!
Our show date is over 2 months away and this event is alreadymaking usmoney! I expect Fundraising Magic to be very successful for us, and a lot of fun! Thank you!"

- Pam Collingwood, Glenfir School, Summerland BC

Or, how about this one just received from another first-time sponsor …

“Hi there John … Listen, I have got to tell you how awesome your kit is. I am at home today from work with a cold and was going through all of your information.  I truly can NOT believe all of the information you include in this kit! ... I will have no problem recommending you because of this kit.  Someone as organized as you will obviously do a great show!  UNREAL!!!”

- Marlo Waldie, Montessori Education Society, Prince George BC

This sucker ROCKS!!!  Here’s a sampling of what’s revealed in this new “Quick-Start” sponsor package …

ð Ten-Step Action Plan To Having A Phenomenally Successful Fundraising Magic™ Event

                  The thick Project Guide Manual and pile of flyers, ads and posters can actually be a little overwhelming to some sponsors … this new tool helps them break down the project into its key components and very quickly focus on the important steps to take.

ð “Stay On Track” Monthly/Weekly Event Organizers

                  These go hand-in-hand with the Ten-Step Action Plan and are the perfect companion to make it SUPER EASY for sponsors to plan their event … and, more importantly, stick to their plan.

ð How To Instantly Profit From The Fundraising Magic™ Piggyback Fundraisers With Almost Zero Effort!


         There are now THIRTY Piggyback Fundraisers that sponsors can utilize to wring

truckloads of extra dollars from their Fundraising Magic™ event.  That’s more than

most sponsors will ever need and sadly, many will undoubtedly go by the wayside due

to time and manpower limitations.  This new strategy will allow sponsors to profit immediately from each and every Piggyback Fundraiser in the kit including the ones they don’t even use!   

ð FAQ Sheet

                  A pre-written document that now handles 90% or more of the sponsor requests I receive for information, clarification or assistance.  It’s a HUGE time-saver.  (Responding personally to each and every enquiry from upwards of 50 show sponsors annually can be extremely time-consuming.  Simply providing this FAQ sheet greatly minimizes the amount of time needed for sponsor communications, freeing your time for more productive and profitable efforts).

ð Souvenir Program Sales Kit Upgrade

This is easily the STAND-OUT FEATURE of the “Quick-Start” plan! 

Selling Souvenir Program advertising can be one of the most profitable Piggyback Fundraisers a sponsor can run in conjunction with your Fundraising Magic™ show.  Unfortunately, some sponsors fail to take advantage of this GOLDMINE opportunity because they’re timid about approaching businesses, or lack manpower or time. 

This new information package and toolkit makes the sponsor’s task of selling Souvenir Program advertising for really big money so, so easy. 

Here’s what’s revealed …

ü Package Selling Strategy

The full story on how sponsors can use “Package Selling” to boost response and raise profits from their Souvenir Program campaign.  This dynamite new tool offers five levels of participation, from Bronze to Platinum-Plus.  The suggested pricing along with what each level offers has already been mapped out, making it a simple fill-in-the-blanks process for your sponsors.


ü NEW Marketing Tools

You’ll be giving your sponsors a fresh batch of innovative marketing aids …

… a new faxable lead-generator … sales letter … advertising flyer

… ad space template … rate schedule …

… removing any fear or doubt they may have and making it super-easy for them to approach businesses and get real results.

… PLUS, also included is a finished printed program from an

actual campaign (filled with some great ad copy samples) that yanked in $2,000 in revenue AND grabbed full-page newspaper publicity for the show!

ü How To Use Souvenir Program Advertising To Sell-Out Your Show!

A killer strategy your sponsors will jump all over!!!  This is a method for

filling Souvenir Program ad spaces faster than a microwave melts butter AND can sell-out their show for them with absolutely no extra effort.  This strategy greatly reduces (or entirely eliminates) the need for sponsors having their members sell tickets.   

ð BONUS Fundraising Magic™ Project Kit On Disk

A year ago I put this together for my sponsors as an upsell item for

$29.95.  You’ll be getting it included FREE in the “Quick Start” Plan.  You get copyright-free use of all the templates – all the camera-ready tools provided in my sponsor Project Kit – every on of them is on the disk in digital format (both PC and MAC applications) so you can manipulate and modify them to suit your own needs.

Frankly, if I stopped right there you’d already be getting way more than your money’s worth from this UPGRADE.  (Heck, the copyright-free use of the Project Kit on Disk alone - with the convenience it provides by allowing you to easily customize the digital flyers and letters to your own show - easily merits the value reflected here).

But - that’s only the beginning!

Oooh baby, there’s a ton of other great material crammed into this upgrade …

Fundraising Magic™ Newsletter on Disk

I’ve received numerous requests from Fundraising Magic™ owners, wondering whether they could reprint information from the copyrighted Fundraising Magic™ Newsletter that I send to my sponsors.

With your ownership of this UPGRADE, you’ll receive my signed, certified permission for your COPYRIGHT-FREE use of any of the newsletter material you want.

And, it’ll be super-easy for you to use it because I’m including the complete library of Fundraising Magic™ Newsletter back-issues in Rich Text Format on disk. 

Sponsor tips and examples … new Piggyback Fundraisers … promotional strategies … success stories … there’s a wealth of material here, yours to use in your own sponsor newsletter, simply by cutting and pasting whatever you need! 

Even without a sponsor newsletter (which I strongly recommend you do offer, by the way, it’s such a great marketing tool) you’ll be able to use much of the material in creating Free Special Reports, putting together your Project Guide Manual, in pre-show follow-up campaigns and so on.  Just think about how much of your valuable time will be saved by having all this material at your fingertips!

Want more? 

The No Risk - No Money Down System: 

The Fail-Safe “Percentage” Campaign For School Sponsors

That Don't Want To Do Any Work!

(This killer strategy applies my Fundraising Magic™ techniques to a unique concept that floods

 you with whopping amounts of percentage income and massive concession sales!!!)

As you’re aware, one of the features of my Fundraising Magic™ system is that it requires no telemarketing or percentage arrangements, right?

Does that mean I’ve never tried either of those methods? 

Well, in the case of telemarketing I’ve worked on behalf of several telemarketing companies – but only as an act.  I’ve never been involved in the “phone room” end of things.  Nor do I care to.  Thanks, but no thanks.     

I have, however, had some direct experience with percentage arrangements.  Some good, some bad … enough to know that I didn’t want to base my performing income solely on this method of getting paid.

The thing is, until you’ve worked the Fundraising Magic™ program enough to develop a solid customer base that can provide you with great testimonials and build some leverage for repeat and referral business, you may find it useful to add a percentage approach. 

In the UPGRADE kit I reveal a percentage arrangement I engineered several years ago that was extremely successful for me.  This method stacks the odds heavily in your favor, yet still allows your sponsors to do very well with the program themselves.

The “Good News-Bad News” truth about percentage-based fundraisers

… how to stack the odds in your favor

Firstly, the big ADVANTAGE to selling shows on a percentage basis is that there’s no up front cost and no financial risk whatsoever to sponsors.  That in itself makes it a much easier sell.  GOOD NEWS!

On the other hand, the big DISADVANTAGE to percentage arrangements is that you just don’t know how much you’re going to earn.  (If you’re carrying an illusion show with several cast/crew to pay, this can be a very unnerving position).  Also, you’re likely to be very reliant on the sponsors promoting the show and ticket-selling … they don’t do the work, you don’t get paid.   Bad news.

Ah, but hold on … the Fail-Safe “Percentage” Campaign For Schools capitalizes on the big advantage and virtually eliminates the disadvantage!


Let’s explore this a little …

The Fail-Safe “Percentage” Campaign For Schools assures you of a favorable outcome … without robbing your sponsors of their fair share of the proceeds

Look, any idiot can increase their percentage income by simply taking the lion’s share of the ticket revenue.  But, let’s get real … if the sponsor’s share is too minimal, they’ll have little interest in tackling the project with any real commitment. 

That’s what makes this campaign so practical.  It puts you in the driver’s seat and at the same time ensures a total WIN-WIN outcome.

Here’s a sampling of what’s revealed in the Fail-Safe “Percentage” Campaign For Schools…

R how you can give as much as 50% of ticket revenues to sponsors … and STILL make terrific money for yourself ... with zero risk of a “low payday”!

R the irresistible feature of “next-to-no-work” involvement for the participating schools … exactly what to provide to make the event easy and successful

R templates for all the flyers, tickets and printed forms you’ll need – hard copy samples, plus digital format on disk

R real-life samples of show-day signage that created a stampede of at-the-door ticket purchases (and how using it also nailed a corporate gig worth over TWO GRAND!)

R all the steps I took are laid bare to give you a proven successful model to follow

 Plus, you’ll also discover …

R the simple shopping mall promotion strategy we used to promote the

show that cost absolutely nothing … and how it opened the door to a

5-year corporate relationship worth an additional $46,500!!!

R the “thinking-out-of-the-box” strategy with the Souvenir Show Program

      the totally unorthodox way it was used to publicize the event!


If I were ever to do a percentage-based fundraising campaign again, without question this is the exact strategy I’d use.  And the complete system is all wrapped up and delivered to you in this upgrade edition.


“What else will I receive in my

Fundraising Magic™ UPGRADE?

Glad you asked!

We’re just getting warmed up.  Next, I’m going to give you samples (and digital templates AND copyright-free use) of my 3 most up-to-date marketing pieces ...  

The first is a brand new piece I’m currently using to pre-book my show schedules a full year ahead.   

The second is my new POSTCARD MAILER ... a terrific lead-generator that’s cut my postage costs by over 30%saved hundreds of dollars in printing … driven tons of traffic to my website … pulled in 118 fresh new leads (so far) … and has been handled almost entirely by a mailing house, saving me money and countless hours of time.   

And third is, quite simply, the most successful direct-mail marketing strategy I’ve ever employed.

You’ll receive my fully developed ENDORSED MAILING campaign that’s been responsible for sucking up (at last count) over 12 dozen highly-qualified, virtually pre-sold leads from specifically selected organizations.

I’ll provide you with samples of the endorsement letter, what groups I targeted and, more importantly, the solicitation request that gets people “willing and eager” to sign their name to the endorsement.  THIS IS A GOLDEN STRATEGY … and you’ll get a complete case study of the entire campaign.

Whew!  There’s a TON of terrific stuff crammed into this package.  Let’s recap and check out the incredible value …

ü Amazing new Fundraising Magic™ “Quick-Start” Plan (including sponsor tools and the entire Project Kit on disk)

ü Complete library of copyright-free Fundraising Magic™ newsletters on disk

ü Fail-Safe “Percentage” Campaign For Schools – fully explained, with samples and ready-to-use templates

ü Three brand new, tested and proven effective marketing tools


Add it up … it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that there’s easily several thousand dollars worth of product development, copyrighting, graphic design and trial-and-error testing that’s gone into the material I’m stuffing into this UPGRADE. 

There’s no doubt that it’s certainly worth a few hundred dollars to anybody who’s serious about maximizing their return from their Fundraising Magic™ system.  In fact, putting just about ANY of these UPGRADE materials to use will easily return that sort of investment several times over.        



That’s exactly what one of my marketing confidants said when I told him about the one other thing I wanted to include in this UPGRADE package (my accountant wasn’t too crazy about it, either!).

In the spring of 2002 we took a camcorder on-the-road and captured footage from about 40 different bookings. 



How would you like to sneak a behind-the-scenes look at my Fundraising Magic™ show?  Get a real feel for what’s involved in a magic show tour?  Come along and see exactly what happens, day after day and hour-by-hour during a Fundraising Magic™ tour?!!! 

We documented damn near EVERYTHING!

From the minute we arrive in a town to the time we leave ... putting out the signage… unloading the trailer…setting up the show…working with volunteers... who does what, where and when... what equipment we use... how it all goes together... what our stage set looks like... lighting and sound... the setup and operation of our concession... what products we sell … it’s all here.

PLUS … I’ve even included a full performance DVD of our Millennium Magic show!

Yup – you’ll get a front row seat of a taped live performance of my 2002 touring production.  Just sit back and enjoy the show!

There’s just one catch.

This special DVD is regularly priced at $34.95.  I’m only going to include this special documentary as a freebie for a limited time.  It will be withdrawn without notice, so you’ll want to be quick to take advantage of this upgrade. 

Now, then ... on top of all the terrific material included in this upgrade … along with the FREE Special Docu-DVD… you also have an opportunity to grab a one-time SAVINGS DISCOUNT by investing in your Fundraising MagicUPGRADE before this exclusive limited offer is withdrawn

I gritted my teeth, sharpened my pencil, and chopped, whittled and slashed the price to the bare bones so that EVERY owner of Fundraising Magicthat wants to will be able to cash-in with this new upgrade

Even though you’ll be getting several thousand dollars worth of copyright-free plug’n’play marketing tools, piles of valuable information AND some fabulous new money-making programs that can easily repay your investment almost immediately, this upgrade program will be available - for a very limited time - at a fraction of its true value.

Although I could easily get $350 or more, I’ve decided to let this upgrade edition go for only $247.  That’s much, much less than what you’d wind up paying to get each of the components developed and produced separately. 

Add to cart

Click here to download our faxback form!

Believe it.  This offer is never going to get any better than this, so don’t procrastinate.  You know it’d be crazy to let this bargain slip past you (and you’ll be kicking yourself later when the price goes up and the BONUSES are gone).

Four Easy Ways You Can Own This Upgrade Edition

FAX the enclosed order form with your VISA credit card information to 604-278-8549

PHONE TOLL FREE 1-800-616-2229 and have your VISA or MC credit card information ready to

                                                       leave on my secure 24-hr voice messaging system

PAYPAL and purchase online

              Click the link above and send payment to johnkaplan@fundraisingmagic.com

MAIL your check to Abracadabra Show Productions, 383 - 13988 Cambie Rd, Richmond BC V6V 2K4

By the way … as with ALL of the materials I offer, this upgrade program is confidently GUARANTEED for 90 days.  You’re completely satisfied, or send it back for a full refund of the program cost, less shipping.

To your success,


John Kaplan

PS:  As previous owners of my programs know, I’m not about hype.  I stand behind my products 100% and believe in not just delivering on promises but on OVER-DELIVERING.  My money-back guarantee proves this.  As do the dozens of testimonials I’ve received from customers and clients.  I know you’ll be thrilled with everything you receive in this UPGRADE edition or you can send it right back for a complete “no-questions-asked” refund, less shipping.

PPS:  This offer is open to all owners of the Fundraising Magic™ system, but only those that respond quickly are likely to also get the FREE Special Docu-Video.  Don’t wait. 

"John, you did it again! Another awesome pack of valuable info! … your material on CD and allowing the reprinting is worth every penny I paid. Can't wait to put this material to work for me! Thank you!!!"
- Brad Ross, Scotch Plains NJ

"I've been through your material once, and am very impressed with it. It has a ton of information, but it is arranged in such a way that I don't feel overwhelmed with all of it. The video is fantastic, worth the price of the kit. Using just your testimonial idea should skyrocket MY fundraising business!"
- Jason Hudy, Livonia MI

"I just received your Fundraising Magic Upgrade 2003. I can't wait to put the upgraded marketing tools to work. Your marketing ideas are excellent as always."
- Richard Walker, Baltimore MD

"Kaplan's covered all the bases with this Upgrade. It's the most complete, proven and updated Fundraising Magic Program since Stan Kramien & Phillip Morris."
- Eddy Wade, Mt. Holly NC